course details

Coding Stories (Story Wonderland)

This course will introduce you to coding through fun stories and engaging activities!

course details
  • Age GroupAge Group4–6 years
  • Course DurationCourse Duration6 weeks
  • Session DurationSession Duration45 minutes
  • CompletionCompletionYes
  • SessionsSessions6 Sessions
  • FrequencyFrequencyOnce a week
  • Course Valid TillCourse Valid Till

Coding Stories (Story Wonderland)

About The Course

Coding Stories is an amazing opportunity for young children to be introduced to the world of coding! The knowledge of coding has been proven to develop computational skills, problem-solving abilities and creative-thinking skills that are essential for the holistic development of a child. We’ve taken this complex subject, and broken it down to the basics, so that we can introduce it to kids in a format they can relate to—STORIES! Kids will excitedly come out of these classes telling you about concepts you would never imagine they could understand, at this age!This course offers kids the unique chance to learn coding through fun and engaging stories. Through hands-on activities, kids will also explore how humans and computers communicate.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is specially designed to trigger an interest in coding in kindergarten students, through storytelling.

Course Objectives

The Coding Stories (Story Wonderland) course will help kids:
  • Learn the basic concepts and techniques of coding
  • Understand the components that go into creating a code
  • Develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills





Education Company

Hackberry, an education company based out of Mumbai was started in 2017. The Hackberry team is passionate about inspiring and enabling the next generation of creators, innovators and entrepreneurs.

Our programs are designed to build curiosity, engage students and encourage experiential learning through hands-on activities. Hackberry optimises student learning by focusing on small learning groups. We currently offer courses in Coding, STEAM, Design Thinking, Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship and have trained over 10,000 students in coding and entrepreneurship. Our flagship Kidpreneur Competition, which was a business plan competition for students aged 10–15, was a tremendous success.