The past year-and-a-half has seen drastic changes all over the world and our life as educators has changed radically. What once involved shaking hands, exchanging smiles, interacting with peers and teaching in classrooms has now become an online virtual experience. This time has provided us with a strange glimpse into the possible future of learning as it is an exciting step forward in digital literacy. At the same time it is equally necessary to ensure that it does not come at the cost of deskilling the young minds of their social, emotional and psychological selves.
The internet kept us together and relevant with the teaching learning process. As educators we were relieved that we can continue to teach, grateful for the miraculous technology and more than a little scared of failing as a teacher in this new medium of teaching. But as they say, we learn more in crisis than in comfort. It left us evolved and abreast with the changing times.
Facilitating an engaging online class requires educators to develop strategies that enhance student participation and build a sense of community. This leads to collaborative learning and developing relationships while facilitating independent networking and self-directed proactive learning.
Learning at St. Mark’s Girls Sr. Sec. School, Meera Bagh, was transformational for the students as various activities were planned to provide them with opportunities to explore and reflect while they integrate new thought patterns in their personhood.
The focus was on collaborative learning wherein peer engagement was encouraged and the students were engrossed in robust discussions and engaged dialogues.
Powerpoint Presentations and other social media platforms such as Youtube were employed as an imperative apparatus for dissemination of information. The students were provided with an abundance of online resources which enabled them to further their research and interest in the said topic. They were provided with a real-time communication through live chats, web conferencing tools and telephone availability. Various quizzing platforms were actively utilised to test the students’ knowledge. Sophisticated simulations and games that provide a risk-free but challenging environment for engaging students in authentic problem-based activities and role-playing exercises aimed at developing the skills were predominantly used in the teaching learning process.
Flipped Classroom methods were employed wherein the students were encouraged to do the research and share it with their fellow mates instead of the lecture being teacher-driven.
The students were given an exposure into the world beyond books by inviting industry experts and keynote speakers for engaging session on various topics of interest.
Opportunities for creative outlet was also provided to the students through competitions and events that gave a platform to the young minds to unravel their innate potential.
Successful transition to the virtual medium also involved regular training of the teaching faculty. The facilitators were provided with motivating sessions and technical assistance by expert resource persons at regular intervals.
The students’ assessment in the past academic year has been continuous and comprehensive with the focus shifting from rote learning to case based and high order thinking. The assessment measures were no longer restricted to one form of assessment but an amalgamation of various techniques ranging from group discussions, class activities, peer engagement along with the conventional and standardised testing.
Education is a shared commitment between the teachers and the students who have been a part of the large scale systemic change and have created history.
Education may look different right now but the speed, creativity and brilliance with which we have adapted to the new normal is phenomenal and the new skill sets that we have all acquired will certainly help us cruise through the ambiguous and volatile world that we are a part of.
Sheena Kalenga is the principal, St. Mark’s Girls Sr. Sec. School, Meera Bagh. Views expressed are personal.