Dr. Sharda Muni, Principal, Blue Angels Global School, Charmwood Village, Faridabad
In these politically volatile times, how do you educate students about the changing scenario?
An early exposure to disturbing elements can prove detrimental. The role of the educationists is to give the children an unbiased and unprejudiced overview and ensure that they imbibe the right values. Children need to be apprised of the changes based on “Need to know bases” and of the changes which impact them directly. They are informed about the changes in curriculum, syllabus, examinations and patterns through the school systems. Senior students should be kept abreast with the latest developments in the country.
How do you motivate children to be ‘green citizens’?
Being a ‘green citizen’ is a way of life. Blue Angels Global School is a ‘no plastics zone’ and it makes children aware of the importance of environment and our impact on it. Right from beginning, they are exposed to various activities which make them aware of the need to keep environment green. They are taught about Earth day, conservation and rain water harvesting. To ensure the greening of Earth, they are also encouraged to plant saplings at home.
PM Narendra Modi in his Pariksha Pe Charcha speech said that high marks are not everything. Do you agree with him?
Motivation and constant hard work are the keys to progress. Students need to be kept motivated so that they maximise their potential. Success should not merely be judged by their ability to score high marks. They should have a thorough understanding of the subject. Marks are important but are only part of the journey. So, yes I agree with the PM.
There are changes in pedagogy every year. How do you keep pace with these changes?
It is one of the trends which has impacted school education. To keep pace with it, our teachers are constantly exposed to various training modules through CBSE, private as well as in-house training sessions. It helps them strategise classroom teaching better while creating a value addition to core competency.
How do you motivate students to take up sports in the times of online education ?
Our school offers many sports like cricket, football, skating, swimming etc, from which the students can choose any. The school starts with Zumba, yoga and aerobic exercises. Since it is a mass activity, all are encouraged to participate in it.
Where do you see your students and this school 10 years from now?
I see them as successful, self-confident & responsible citizens with a strong sense of integrity. I see my school placed firmly on firmament of education and staying true to its moto: ‘We care,We Nurture,We create’.
What is the toughest challenge in your profession?
The changing dynamics among the stakeholders in a school scenario, meeting the expectations (sometimes unrealistic) of some parents and keeping children away from negative impacts of technology. Challenges are part of life and I’ve always believed in facing them head-on.
Would you inspire your own children to take up this profession? Are you still in touch with your teachers?
Yes, definitely. We need dedicated professionals with strong ethics and creative ideas who will contribute towards shaping the future generation. I am in touch with my teachers. I hold them in the greatest regard.
What are your three inspiring words for your students?
I am greatly inspired by Swami Vivekananda. This quote of Vivekananda is applicable even today --- ARISE, AWAKE AND STOP NOT till the goal is reached.