What is the biggest challenge that you face in your role as a principal?The biggest challenge is to prepare learners for tomorrow. What the children are learning today will become obsolete when they leave the portals of school after 12 years so it’s necessary to teach them how to learn rather than what to learn. Another challenge is to carry the burdens, worries, frustrations, and challenges of many other people. We are expected to communicate frequently, clearly, and well; to handle the instructional, emotional, and social challenges of others; and do it pleasantly and without misstep. Principals need to think and plan for balance, because this job comes with weighty responsibilities. Once a teacher always a teacher, do you agree?Well, I would say that a teacher creates the next generation. Young children are like a piece of white paper and a teacher shapes the children’s future “colour”, whether it is bright or dark. According to a Chinese saying, “An engineer is the one who builds a building but teachers are the great ones who build human souls.” Teaching for me is a calling and you find people respecting you till you are retired, or even till you are dead. Once you carry the title “teacher,” you are always a teacher. Success has become an obsession with people of all ages nowadays? Comment.Success is synonymous with winning. Success gives a person the taste of victory and everyone likes to win. Being obsessed with anything is not good, as when you are obsessed, it only means that you are willing to go to any limits and cross any boundaries. There is nothing wrong with being obsessed with success only if you have enough control over your senses to be able to discern what is wrong and what is right. If your penchant for success drives you to do something wrong, it is wrong to be obsessed with success and it is the time when you should take your steps back. Learn to turn your obsession into a passion to achieve more.What in your view is GenNext’s biggest strength? Which are the key areas of improvement?GenNext has unprecedented access to information. They possess a healthy sense of curiosity, they have the tools to pursue their interests and find information quickly. Instead of an intergenerational conversation, they often go to their devices to find answers. They are self-learners, pragmatic and entrepreneurial. They do not have to wait for someone to give them an opportunity to make money, learn, create, or connect. They can record videos, create music, start businesses, and connect with people around the world with the resources on their devices.But technology addiction, rising rates of depression, mental illness, and fear can threaten GenNext. They need mentors, teachers, and leaders who can see their strengths and help them develop these. They need encouragement and wisdom as they learn to thrive!What emphasis do you put on teacher training?Teaching is an evolving skill. It is necessary for teachers to equip themselves and cater to the 21st century learner. Teaching and learning go hand in hand and teachers need to be empowered with opportunities to learn, unlearn and relearn. Teachers must get a hang of innovative pedagogy, interactive assessment techniques and use of differentiation in the classroom to enliven the teaching-learning process. What according to you is the role of media in education?Media allows students and teachers to connect and share ideas. It is an extension of class discussions beyond the classroom walls. Social media is a new tool: to connect, share and create with the school community. Media helps to create awareness, knowledge and make people educated if used judiciously.Tell us about your leisure activities and how you spend time with family and friends? When I feel the weight of too many problems and responsibilities, I immerse myself in the world of students and that brings me joy and relief, all at once. In leisure time besides taking a long walk, I enjoy reading and talking to family members. My Sunday Bhagvat Geeta class keeps me focussed and shifts my perspective from impossible to do-able.(Vandana Bhatia, principal, Holy Child Public School, Sec-75, Greater Faridabad)