What is the biggest professional challenge that you face in your role as a principal?The biggest challenge for the principal is to act as a bridge between the students of the present generation who are well informed. Students of the millennium era are dynamic, ambitious and aggressive in pursuing their goals. The other set of students constituting nearly 25% have no intention to study, which they can't afford in this age of competition. The teachers put in endless efforts to bring out the best in students. The principal's effort is always to bring out the best out in both, teachers and students, so as to keep the flag of the school high.Once a teacher always a teacher. Do you agree?Once a teacher, he/she always remains so. But at the same time the teacher is a student as well. He/she has to study the psychology of students and interact with individuals from different backgrounds. The teacher is, therefore, a learner as well and the learning process is never ending. The best part of a teacher is always to bring out the best in students. So he/she imparts teaching appropriate to students. So a teacher is always a learner as well as a mentor.Success has become an obsession with people of all ages nowadays. Comment.From time immemorial success has been an obsession. There are many contenders for a single gold medal. In a match, trophy is one. Parents also expect their child to be number one. In this competitive world, we lose the spirit. In fact, the purpose should be to seek knowledge and compete with a positive spirit. And the need of the hour is to teach our children how to accept failures. In fact there should be number of channels open for growth. If one fails to crack IAS/IIT exam, the child should have alternatives. Let us inculcate in the minds of young ones that it is not the end of the road. They can take up any profession and attain excellence. India is a large country with abundant resources to take care of your growth in a career of your choice. Consistent effort, self-confidence and determination are bound to bear fruits.What is in your view is Gen Next's biggest strength? Which are the key areas of improvement?The new generation has a lot of potential. Given proper direction, they are bound to bring desired results. They have to be given direction and training. The sky is not the limit for them in any field of technology, sports and what not.What emphasis do you put on teacher training?Teacher training is not only desirable but also important. Earlier, proper training programmes were not available for teachers. They used to teach with old methods. Now there are ample avenues. We at DAV lay emphasis on teaching methods with modern techniques. Old systems just don't work and that too when the parents and youngsters have knowledge available at one click. What according to you in the role of media in education?Playing a positive and constructive role, the media has done wonders. It has reduced the world to a global village. It provides information and knowledge to young minds. No doubt the media is just a reflection of what is happening around us but they have the power to change it for the best.Tell us about your leisure activities and how you spend time with family and friends?A difficult question to answer: A principal has to be cool, calm and at her/his toes at all times. A principal has to attend to administrative work, meetings, improvement in the overall performance of the school, issues relating to accounts, lab equipment, furniture building repairs, renovation, staff matters, their welfare, listening to complaints. When on rounds, meeting staff, students, and parents is time consuming. However, interaction with students gives you a lot of energy. Then you see it is 4 pm. The principal is at work 24x7: some call from a worried parent, student or staff member keeps you busy. If at all, I get some moments, I attend to my children, husband and parents. There is a pet who is waiting for a stroll. I also desire to cook something special on Sundays.