Logos, as all of you know, give brands their identity. In fact, we recognise a brand the moment we come across their logos. Interestingly, the logos of most global giants have more to them than what meets the eyes. Take for instance the logo of Baskin Robbins. To your bare eyes, it simply appears as BR, right? Look a little closely and you will find a 31 hiding inside. If you’re wondering why, here’s your answer: The global ice-cream brand offers 31 flavours! Most companies strategically design their logos and really work hard to make them stand out. The goal is to convey subtle messages pertaining to the company’s values, products and vision. Here, we introduce you to world famous logos and their hidden meanings.
There’s no denying that Amazon, the global e-commerce giant is now an integral part of our day-to-day lives. Whatever we need, it’s just a click away on Amazon. This is exactly what the immensely popular logo of this e-commerce giant tells us. You must have seen the unmistakable curved arrow in the logo that sits just beneath Amazon. Well, it’s not just a quirky design that looks like a smile. The company intends to send smiles to their customers. Hence, the arrow. Here’s an interesting titbit for you. Amazon runs a charity fund known as Smile. But is that all about the Amazon arrow? Definitely not. Look closely at the logo and you’ll find that the it starts at A and ends at Z. This signifies that Amazon caters to the A-Z requirements of our lives.
Most of us are quite familiar with FedEx, one of the most popular and reliable delivery services of the world. But hardly anyone knows that its logo actually carries a hidden message that’s pretty straightforward. Okay, so what is it? Take a closer look at the space between E and the x. It takes the shape of a right arrow suggesting that the company’s delivery is both speedy and accurate, or as they themselves say, “It’s always on the go!”
You love this lip-smacking Swiss chocolate bar, right? But few of you know that its simple, yet unique logo with a mountain on top also has a hidden message. Yes, that’s right! If you look closely, you’ll find that on the right side of the mountain, there’s a bear standing on its hind legs. Okay, the mountain symbolises Swiss Alps, which is pretty upfront. But what has a bear got to do with Toblerone? Well, it turns out, bear is the official symbol of the Swiss town Bern, the hometown of Toblerone. Wait, we aren’t done yet. The word Bern is also part of the name Toblerone. We are sure you never realised this before, or did you?