Have you ever used a certain phrase while speaking, and stopped to wonder about what its origin is? Is the cat literally being let out of a bag when the secret is out, or is someone literally smothering another person with butter as they flatter them? Evidently not.
There are hundreds of such phrases that we use in our regular conversations, and almost all of them have a fascinating history which is worth learning about. Some of them have multiple historical narratives, while some are quite literal. Here are 5 such phrases and their back stories.
Break the ice
This phrase means either beginning a new friendship or resolving a conflict. It is believed that its origin traces back to the 1600s when it was used in a literal context on boats and ships. The ships would have to, quite literally, break the ice in order to clear the path for them to pass through while at sea.
Let the cat out of the bag
It means revealing a secret. There are a few theories about its origin, but the most popular one dates back to medieval times. Deceitful livestock vendors would slyly replace a pig or a rabbit with a cat when the customer isn’t looking, and cheat them by taking the money paid for the pig. So, if the cat was let out of the bag, it would mean that the vendors scam would be seen.
Butter someone up
This phrase is used to say that someone is flattering someone else. Devotees in ancient India would throw ghee (clarified butter) at statues of Gods and Goddesses in order to please them so that they would grant their wishes.
To be caught red-handed
This phrase is used when someone is caught in the act of wrongdoing. This phrase has its origins in England. A person who was caught stealing and butchering an animal was convicted. To determine whether the animal was stolen, they would inspect the convict’s bloody hands.
Let one’s hair down
This means to be relaxed and free of stress. During medieval times, women were expected to be prim and proper always with their hair tied up in stylish hairstyles. They were like this in public, but it was only when they returned back home that they could let their hair down to be comfortable and relaxed.