Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar, is the Father of India’s Constitution. Today, on 14th April 2022, we celebrate his 131st birth anniversary as Ambedkar Jayanti to pay tribute to this great man, the first lawmaker of independent India and the abolisher of untouchability across the country.
Dr. Ambedkar was an economist by profession who helped establish the Finance Commission of India. In fact, till today, the Reserve Bank of India, the highest-ranking financial organisation of the country runs on the rules and guidelines that were formulated by him.
Despite so many accomplishments during his lifetime, Dr. Ambedkar remained a humble and honest man throughout his life. He attributed his achievements to the teachings of his mentor and idol, Professor John Dewey. As a matter of fact, in 1952, Ambedkar was quoted saying, “I owe my whole intellectual life to Professor John Dewey, who was my teacher.”
Today, on this auspicious occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti, let us know about John Dewey, the man who acted as a friend, philosopher and guide to our Father of the Constitution.
Who was John Dewey?
John Dewey was an American philosopher, psychologist and an education reformer, best known today as the mentor of Dr. BR Ambedkar, at the Columbia University, New York, from 1913 to 1916. However, apart from imparting intellect, knowledge and wisdom to Dr. Ambedkar, Dewey also contributed immensely in the field of functional psychology, with respect to the field of progressive education. He was also closely associated with the pragmatism philosophy as well as liberalism. Today, all his teachings, ideals and philosophies have been collected and published in 37 volumes. The followers of Dewey are now called Deweyites.
Teachings and works of Professor Dewey
Professor John Dewey (1859-1952) was a great champion of democracy, so much so, that he believed democracy was more about participation than representation. According to Dewey, democracy was in fact an ethical ideal and not just a political arrangement and was therefore spread across disciplines, namely: Political Science, Economics and Sociology.
Dewey also considered education as the ultimate foundation of democracy and social reform and regarded the role of teachers as central to the system of education.
In fact, Ambedkar’s commitment to democracy was a direct influence of Dewey’s preoccupation with the same, on all levels, be it political, social or economic. Likewise, Dewey’s emphasis on public reasoning and focus on equality through education also deeply resonated with Ambedkar and his works.
Dewey’s most celebrated books are: ‘Democracy and Education’ and ‘The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology’ both of which are still extensively read today. He was also the President of America’s Psychological Association from 1899 to 1900.
Interesting facts about Professor Dewey
Professor Dewey spent a greater part of his life among immigrants that went on to shape his ideals and in turn his career. Here are some interesting facts about the professor.
Professor Dewey found his school years to be boring. But he managed to graduate early and even took up a career as a teacher in a high school.
He was fired from his first job, which is when he dedicated his free time to the study of philosophy. He was so influenced by philosophy, that he managed to secure a doctorate from John Hopkins University in 1884. During this time, he was fortunate to come in close contact with notable philosophers, George Morris and G. Stanley who further inspired him.
During the prime of his career, Dewey managed to open back-to-back schools for all ages to test his own educational theories, many of which are still practised today.
While Dewey was working at the Columbia University in 1919 (around which time he met and mentored Dr. Ambedkar), he was invited as a guest lecturer to the Shanghai University in China where he extended his stay till 1921 to help the Chinese with their educational reforms. Following this, Dewey travelled to many countries like Turkey, Russia and South Africa to spread his teachings and philosophies.