The human brain is a fascinating organ with intricate details which has been studied by neurologists through decades. However, there is still a lot of mystery about it which is yet to be unravelled. The brain is composed of billions of neurons that communicate through trillions of connections, known as synapses. This makes this indispensable organ one of the most complex ones in the human body. Read on to know about some interesting facts about human brain.
60% of the brain is composed of fat
You will be surprised to learn that the human brain is primarily made out of fat, and is considered as the fattiest organ in our body. The fatty acids found in it are vital for its performance and well-being. This is why doctors recommend incorporating brain-boosting, nutritious fatty foods such as salmon, eggs, nuts, etc. into one’s daily diet.
It has a virtually unlimited storage capacity
According to research, there are approximately 86 billion neurons in the brain. Every single neuron goes on to form connections with other neurons. There can be as many as 1000 such connections formed. As time passes, the storage capacity of the brain can consistently keep increasing as long as these neurons combine.
Information within the brain travels incredibly fast
The information within the brain can travel at the speed of 268 miles per hour. This information travels when a neuron generates an electrical impulse which travels from cell to cell after the neuron is stimulated. However, if there is a disruption in the generation, it can lead to an epileptic seizure.
The brain’s development is not complete until the age of 25
The human brain is not fully formed until the age of 25. As an infant, one’s brain development commences from the back and gradually works its way to the front. This means that the frontal lobes which are responsible for reasoning and planning, are the last parts of the brain to fully develop, strengthen and structure connections.
The human brain can generate enough power to light a bulb
The human brain is capable of generating as many as 23 watts of power, which is the amount it would take to light a bulb. In order to sustain this impressive capability, it is important to provide the brain with adequate amount of rest as well, which comes through the form of sleep. A lack of sleep results in the poor maintenance of neural pathways in the brain.
Contrary to popular belief, a person can use 100% of his/ her brain all the time
Many believe that it is possible to use only 10% of the brain at a given time. However, neurologists have refuted this theory and confirmed that the human brain is constantly active- even during sleep!