Drugs, simply put, are chemicals that change the way our body works. We keep hearing drugs are bad. There was a recent media furore over a celebrity’s son getting caught buying and consuming drugs. Let’s understand today exactly why drugs are considered bad.
Medicines are drugs too, but legal
Medicines are legal drugs. That’s why medicine stores call themselves ‘chemists and druggists.’ Doctors can prescribe them for patients, stores can sell them, and people can buy them. Though buying them is legal, we can’t buy any medicine we want and consume them in any quantity. That’s why drug stores insist on doctor’s prescription and do not sell most medicine without one.
Are cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana / hashish drugs?
Cigarettes are of tobacco, so there’s a debate on them. Alcohol is also a mix of naturally produced chemicals. Marijuana, like tobacco, is basically a plant product. But all three produce chemicals that tamper with our body system. While cigarettes and alcohol are by definition drugs, adults are allowed to buy them. Marijuana is not legal, but smoking gaanja is very common in our country.
What are harmful, illegal drugs?
When people talk about a drug problem, they usually mean illegal drugs such as, ecstasy, cocaine, LSD, crystal meth, and heroin. Illegal drugs cannot be bought or sold. They are harmful for health since they induce lethargy, hallucination, lack of appetite, extreme energy, weightlessness, delusion and a long list of harmful reactions. Drugs are particularly bad for a kid or teen whose body is still growing. Illegal drugs can damage brain, heart, liver, kidneys and other important organs. Cocaine can even cause a heart attack. Kids who get addicted to drugs do less well in school, sports, and other activities. They lose clarity of thought and decision-making abilities. They may do dangerous activities under delusion.
What should you do to help a kid on drugs?
If you think someone is using drugs at school, the best thing to do is to inform a trustworthy adult. Do not make it a public affair, do not spread rumours and do not post about it on social media. Try to remain friends with the addicted kid through the recuperation process.