Have you ever stopped to consider the incredible power of your memory? From remembering your favourite childhood days to recalling important information for an exam, memory is a crucial component of our everyday lives. When someone asks you a question, what do you do? You think of answers. And what helps you come up with those answers? Your memory! The human brain can perform complex tasks, such as problem-solving, decision-making and creative thinking. However, storing memory is perhaps the most vital function of the brain. Without our ability to remember past experiences, we would struggle to navigate the world around us. We wouldn’t be able to recognize familiar faces, remember important events or even understand languages. But how does our brain store memory? Keep reading to find out!
Every memory has a space reserved for it inside the brain!
Your brain creates memories by encoding, storage and retrieval. It takes in information, stores it and recalls it when needed. Just like a computer stores information in its memory, the brain also holds information in different ways. There are different types of memory which are stored in different ways by the brain.
Sensory memory: When you see, hear or touch something, your brain takes a snapshot of that thing. Think of it like taking a picture with your eyes. Sometimes your brain decides to store that picture in your memory!
Short-term memory: This is like a sticky note that your brain uses to remember something for a few seconds to a few minutes.
Working memory: This is a special short-term memory that is important for getting things done. It’s like a sticky note you keep in your head until you finish a task. One example of this type of memory is ‘doing mental arithmetic’.
Long-term memory: This is like a bookshelf where your brain stores memories that last for months to years! This is where all the important stuff goes.
Where the does your brain store the memories?
Now that you know how memory is stored, let’s see which parts of the brain are involved in this incredible process. The brain is made up of five unique parts which play crucial role here.
Prefrontal cortex: This clever part of your brain helps you hold onto the important information for a short time so you can use it immediately. It’s like a helpful assistant who reminds you of important tasks and helps you stay on track.
Neocortex: This part helps you learn new things, solve problems and use reason and logic to make sense of the world around you.
Basal ganglia: These are a group of structures located deep inside the brain, where all your important memories are stored. From riding a bike to brushing your teeth, the basal ganglia help you do things automatically without even thinking about it.
Amygdala: This powerful part of your brain helps you experience all the feelings, from joy to fear and everything in between. It creates emotional connections to memories, so you can relive happy moments and learn from not-so-great experiences.
Hippocampus: This is your memory library! It helps you store all your long-term memories, from your first day of school to your most recent vacation!
The importance of memory
Human memory storage is truly the greatest marvel of nature! Think about it; your mind can store countless memories and experiences that shape your very being. It would be impossible to survive without this incredible ability to remember. Memory plays a crucial role in education, learning and everyday functions. Without memory, you wouldn’t be able to retain the knowledge you acquired in school, and you would have to re-learn everything every day! Memory is also essential for learning new skills, such as playing a musical instrument or speaking a foreign language. In everyday life, memory helps you recall important information, such as the route to work or the name of a new acquaintance.