While there are amazing sea creatures on the Earth, probably not many can beat jellyfish for their radiant beauty. Jellyfis are prehistoric creatures with no brain, heart or even blood! Practically they are a bag of water (a whopping 95 per cent) and just skin! With their gelatinous bodies and dangling tentacles, these marine animals have fascinated scientists too. How? Well, they created a brand new environment-saving robot, inspired by jellyfish! The structure and delicate underwater movements of these deep-sea creatures led to the design of the robot. Scientists intend to use the jellyfish robot to protect threatened coral reefs as well as human divers.
The creation of jellyfish robot
More and more ocean fauna is becoming endangered by the day, thanks to increasing environmental pollution. So, it is no surprise that protecting our oceans has become a major concern. As a result, scientists have made it their mission to discover ways to protect the marine ecosystem. After all, who wants to see dolphins, whales and sharks disappear?
So, a team of scientists from the University of Florida Atlantic, led by Dr Erik Engeberg went on to create a jellyfish robot, also known as a jellybot, to monitor coral reefs. It will not only protect coral reefs but also take care of human divers. What will amaze you more is the fact that the jellyfish robot have been built by using 3-D printing technique. Isn’t that amazing? Dr. Engeberg and team have created five guardian angels for the ocean so far! Jellybots are relatively new and are yet to be tested in real-world scenarios. So far, they have only been tested in tanks and on artificial coral reefs.
Protecting endangered coral reefs
The small and sturdy jellybots can navigate tight spaces and ride ocean currents. These qualities make them excellent tools for studying coral reefs. With the help of several built-in sensors, jellyfish robots can measure water temperature and salinity without damaging the reef’s delicate structure. And mind it, they are excellent at what they do and don’t even bother other animals! Also, they can function without being devoured by the larger fish. How? Their noisy propellers frighten away fish! With advancing technology in the future, jellybots might be used to figure out how climate change affects the oceans as well.
Safeguarding human divers
The jellybot comes with a rubber head and eight tentacles and are capable of travelling to places difficult for human divers and vehicles to reach. After all, they are super-efficient swimmers. You already know that jellyfish are good swimmers. But you are wondering how a robot can be as efficient as the original, right? Yes, they are, thanks to their piston-powered self-propulsion system. The piston assists the robot in producing large jets of water with minimal energy, propelling it forward. Their efficiency, coupled with a soft and flexible exterior, would make them the perfect candidate to operate in near-delicate environments. Jellybots can also accompany divers underwater and warn them of approaching sharks or other dangers. They could soon be called ‘A Diver’s best friend’!