You must have seen pictures of Napoleon or former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Have you noticed anything common between them? Well, the answer would be suspenders. Both of them are commonly seen wearing suspenders. Also called braces in some parts of the world, this apparel accessory consists of a strap worn over the shoulder and is used to hold up trousers. In earlier times, men believed that it also helped to keep their stature upright, not to forget that it offered a sense of style too. Today, you can find many entertainers wearing them including British actor Benedict “Sherlock” Cumberbatch and pop singer Taylor Swift. Both of them put on these suspenders as an accessory to enhance their style. However, nowadays, they are better known as adjustable straps.
That makes us wonder, when did suspenders come into existence? Why don’t more people wear them today? If you are curious, put on your reading glasses.
The origin story
As many people know, pants were invented by Eurasian horseback riders in the Bronze Age, around 3000 BC. But you will be surprised to know that suspenders have existed long before that to hold up tunics and different kinds of wraps. In fact, it wasn’t until the 18th century when trousers started becoming popular that suspenders were used to hold them up. Okay, but why were they needed to be held up? Turns out, back in those days, the trousers were either like tights or breeches (body-hugging pants) and were often high-waisted. This meant they often slipped down and thus made the wearer feel uncomfortable. This is exactly why suspenders became necessary. Soon, they became so commonplace that they started being commercially produced in bulk.
World welcomes bretelles
As we all know and agree, French people are one of the most stylish and fashionable in the world. Maybe that is why they didn’t appreciate the concept of suspenders worn on top of clothing. So, in mid-18th century, they developed a special kind of suspenders called bretelles. They were made out of silk ribbons or straps which were looped in the buttonholes of trousers, so as to defy gravity. However, the vital part was that they were worn underneath the clothes and served as undergarments until 1930s. Two of the most prominent personalities from history who wore bretelles were Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin.
Invention of modern suspenders
In the early 19th century, British tailor Albert Thurston invented the modern suspenders. The straps were made of boxcloth, tightly woven wool and leather loops and attached them to buttons sewn inside the waistbands of trousers. His model had a H-shaped back, meaning that both straps went from front to back with another one holding the parallel straps together in the middle.
Soon, X-shaped suspenders with dual straps that crossed in the back side came along, and so did Y-shaped ones that had two straps in front merged into one strap at the back. Today, all three are still available. While workers prefer the H-shaped ones as they help maintain the shape of the shoulder, people who opt for style often choose either the X or the Y kind.
Mark Twain pioneers adjustable strap
History suggests that Mark Twain resented suspenders, so much so, that he pioneered an alternative to keep his trousers in place. He innovated something called “adjustable and detachable straps for garments” in 1871 and even filed a patent for the same. His invention was not only suitable for men’s trousers, but also for women’s corsets. It was a button-on adjustable strap, often used to tighten garments, such as pinching a shirt at the waist. What made them popular was that the straps were elastic in nature.
Have suspenders vanished?
Fast forward to 1894, metal clasps were invented and so were elastic clip-on suspenders, that very much exist till today. However, with the advent of belts in the early 20th century, suspenders received a serious competition. While labourers and high-ranking army and government officials continued to wear suspenders, majority shifted to wearing belts. Today, if you see any random person wearing a suspender, know that it is a fashion statement!