It doesn’t need to be mentioned that parents want their kids to reach the top of the greasy pole of success. Many of them nurture the dream of seeing their kids as the CEO of a multinational company. However, an MBA degree alone isn’t enough for climbing up the corporate ladder. As a parent, you need to groom your youngster in advance to help him lead a company like a guiding star.
Help your youngster understand the basics
An aspiring CEO needs to understand the fundamentals of having this job. Although a youngster might plan to get a major in business administration, he will also need to know the basic functionalities of various departments. He should understand the importance of drafting business plans, staying committed to iterating ideas and a structured schedule, and familiarise himself with the art of negotiation. An aspiring CEO should also possess excellent financial skills and be able to formulate flawless marketing strategies. He must be ready to take up challenges and responsibilities on behalf of his team.
Teach him to start small but dream big
Every successful CEO will say how important it is to dream big and keep dreaming until one reaches the desired goal. Explain to your budding CEO that each tiny opportunity counts and can be a step ahead in meeting their high ambitions. The drive to learn about the business world and how hard-work is the only way up the ladder must be made absolutely clear to any youngster who wants to make it big.
Encourage them to follow local CEOs
If we look around our neighbourhood, we will find several local business owners flourishing on their own. They may not be the most-talked about CEOs of multinational companies, but they are the ones who will tell your kids how to take the very first step. They will also say how a leader of a company, however big or small, watches everyone’s back without being watched back. Their experiences will act as the foundation for your aspiring CEO.
Motivate kids to accept failure
Parents and mentors need to explain to their children that a person hardly ever succeeds at their first attempt, and failure is a significant aspect of success. While you need to push your kids to explore their hidden potential, you need to allow them to make mistakes and face obstacles on their own. After all, failure is something one collectively learns from.
Explain the importance of impact
Make your child understand how great CEOs get started not by just trying to make money but by seeking to change the world in a way they’re passionate about. Having a simple purpose with a goal to make positive impacts on people’s lives matter more than a heavily loaded bank balance.