ASN Senior Secondary School, Mayur Vihar, conducted an investiture ceremony for the academic session with pomp and dignity in the school amphitheatre.
The event was presided over by chairman KL Luthra and principal Swarnima Luthra. The ceremony signified the reliance that the school placed in the new office bearers. They pledged to fulfil their duties to the best of their abilities. The school believes that a child-centric approach will develop responsible citizens. The ceremony began with the lighting of the lamp followed by Saraswati Vandana and the school prayer. The elected leaders’ profiles were displayed on the screen and also read out. They were conferred badges and sashes. The students’ council took a pledge to hold in high esteem the school motto of Faith and Follow, Act and Achieve, Smile and Serve. T Jayant and KS Janani of Class 12 were the new head boy and head girl respectively. The other council members were Animesh D Das and Martand Dhyani of Class 11 as vice head boys, Upasana Goel and Dhriti Bindra as vice head girls, Siya Agarwal as sports head and Sarthak Jain and Garima Rawal as discipline heads.
In the middle school, Chiranjeev Singh Ahluwalia and Manasvi Joshi were the junior head boy and junior head girl respectively. Anirudh Nair and Krati Gour were the junior vice head boy and junior vice head girl. The chairman congratulated them and advised them to be impartial and honest in discharging their duties. He also exhorted them to uphold values. He reminded them that with position comes responsibility towards themselves, their school and peers and struggles help one to achieve heights. The principal also appreciated and congratulated them. She advised them to be role models and ensure the smooth running of the school. The ceremony concluded with the national anthem.