On the occasion of the World Ozone Day, the members of BEST Club of Modern Public School (MPS), Shalimar Bagh, in association with Lungs Care Foundation organised a session on the topic How to Make the Earth a Pollution-free Zone. Members laid emphasis upon how to take care of our mother Earth and enlightened the audience.
A very interactive quiz was also organised. Students as well as teachers -- took part in that event with all zeal. A short memory game was conducted wherein each member had to speak a term related to air. Afterwards, the teacher in charges addressed the participants. A fragile layer of gas or the preserver of life, ozone, is essential to sustain life on this planet. The World Ozone Day emphasis that the collective decision and the action guided by science are the only way to solve major global crises. This year we celebrated the 35 years of this day and the theme was ‘Ozone for Life’.
This day reminds us that ozone is crucial for life on Earth and we must continue to protect its layer for our future generations. Even though the ozone hole has healed itself, we must not take it lightly. With the alarmingly increasing pollution and deforestation, we humans, unfortunately, are killing our saviours and saving our killers. The depletion of the ozone layer is a serious issue and we need to take strategic decisions to protect ourselves and our future generations.
Adarsh World School, Dwarka, shines in inter-school contest
Students of Adarsh World School, Dwarka, displayed an impressive performance once again --- this time, in ARCADIA, an annual inter-school competition organised by Paramount International School, Dwarka.
Two students of Adarsh World School demonstrated their oratory skills in the event and came out with flying colours. Bhavya Pathak paid a tribute to the unsung coronavirus warriors by reciting a poem which was composed in collaboration with her teacher and parents. Her brilliant presentation impressed all.
Another student, Kushangi Sharma, enacted the role of a reporter reporting live from a quarantine centre describing the impact of Corona pandemic. Her performance too was appreciated by all. It’s just a beginning. Diligent Adarshians have a long way to go.
Hillwoods Academy, Preet Vihar, conducts English Week 2020 Hillwoods Academy, Preet Vihar, celebrated English Week 2020 wherein students got an opportunity to explore and express their literary talents. A myriad of online and offline activities were planned by the English teachers to enhance the linguistic skills of young Hillwoodians. The zeal and enthusiasm of the students could be seen through their live performances on virtual platform. A plethora of activities like poem recitation, monologue competition, role play, story narration etc were organised to tap their oratory, dramatics and literary skills.
The audience and the judges were spellbound by the confidence exhibited by the participants. The students of Classes 11 and 12 were introduced to a new activity named Pass Around the Net Cast. The students presented the views of the presenter by listening to their podcasts. The activity boosted their public speaking skills. The students showed their linguistic skills through the beautiful wall hangings prepared by the, Offline activities like slogan writing, poster making, and story writing with a twist or designing commercial advertisements helped students showcase their creative ability.
In a nutshell, the event was a panorama of interesting and fun-filled activities to facilitate the effective learning of the language. It was a week of excitement and flurry. The event created an ambience which brought students closer to the magic of English language and literature.
Workshop at DAV Public School, RK Puram
A thought-provoking and noteworthy workshop by renowned educationist Dr. Krishan Kumar, chairman of Genius Brain Group of Schools and Genius Modern Gurukul, founder of HRD Mission, was conducted for the parents and teachers of DAV Public School, RK Puram.
The theme of the workshop was Value of Right Education with Support of Parents. During that event, honorary speakers talked in detail about identifying kids’ hidden talents. The teachers and parents both play a collective role in shaping the future of a child.
The educational and behavioural problems which the students are facing were also discussed. They also informed about how to get the best out of the current scenario. Dr Kumar explained that full development of brain is necessary for which he laid emphasis on brain exercises and sleep therapy. The workshop was fruitful for all the parents and teachers.