As we all know education started relying heavily on technology from 2020. What started simply as video calls with students in early 2020, became a full pedagogical approach rapidly, as teachers and institutes adapted as fast as they could to the situation. Here are some technology trends that would continue to reign in 2022.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
The concept of AI and ML are being applied in lots of things from classroom management tools to cybersecurity. Most data driven tools managed by teachers are driven by these two, and the same applies to all search functions, all apps that offer suggestions based on usage, in Voice Assistants, Technology tools powered by AI and ML are already appearing in classrooms, working to make visible and behind-the-scenes decisions based on data. Voice assistants in products that help manage classrooms are an example of AI.
Cloud Technology and related apps
Software as a Service (SAAS) tools have been helping students work together and complete projects from anywhere. Even as schools reopened their doors, cloud-based software remained in vogue, thanks to the convenience of being able to access work from any device.
Cybersecurity has become important for school networks
Cybersecurity was, till 2019, something teachers talked about to middle and high school students, to raise their awareness over criminals and predators. But now with the internet being a teaching platform, teachers have realised the all-pervasive nature of cyber-attacks for themselves. It’s not a problem peculiar to or country alone. UK, Europe and the USA have all beefed up cybersecurity for K-12 schools.
Individual learning based on goals instead of timelines
With the pivot to digital came the need for students to complete lessons and turn in projects on their own time, instead of a single deadline for the whole class. Asynchronous learning, as it is called, lays importance to learning goals rather than one policy for all. This approach has borne good results, with teachers finding it easier to pay individual attention, and students learning better. The tech tools used are adapted to tracking individual as well as class progress. So, paying attention to each student, instead of keeping them forcibly in sync, is now easier for teachers.