Mrs Bandaranaike sworn in Premier (1960)
COLOMBO - A landslide victory for the democratic-socialist- Sri Lanka Freedom Party in the Ceylon elections today (July 21) gave the country its first and the world its only woman Prime Minister in Mrs Sirimave Bandaranaike.
The 44-year-old widow of the late Prime Minister Mr. Bandaranaike, was sworn in by the Governor-General, Sir Oliver Goonetilleke, this afternoon shortly after he accepted the resignation of Mr Dudley Senanayake, whose United National Party fared disastrously in the elections.
Mrs Bandaranaike, who took her oath also as Minister of Defence and External Affairs, was to decide on the composition of the Cabinet tonight and would present her Ministers to the Governor-General tomorrow..
She had indicated to newsmen that the strength of her Cabinet would probably be 12. Enthusiastic crowds lining the road cheered Mrs Bandaranaike, clad in mourning white, as she drove, escorted by police outriders, into the Queen’s House, official residence of the Governor General. Her 11-year-old son, Anura, and 16-year-old daughter, Chandrika, accompanied her.
After taking oath of office, she appeared on the balcony of the Queen’s House with the Governor General and waved to the cheering crowd outside.
Mrs Bandaranaike, whose party is pledged to follow the socialist policies of its founder, her husband, and his neutralist foreign policy, won 75 of the 151 elective seats. The party will be entitled to nominate six members, so that it will command an overall strength of 81 in a House of 157.
Moon men on return journey (1969)
Space Centre, Huston- Two Americans blasted off from the moon today (July 21), reaching the relative safety of lunar orbit and leaving their footprints in the lunar dust and in the history of man. It was the first time anything had ever rocketed away from the moon.
Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. immediately began pursuing the command ship, orbiting 69 miles above the surface with astronaut Michael Collins at the controls. “
“Beautiful, very smooth,” Aldrin commented as Eagle took off from the moon. “A very quiet ride. There’s that one crater down there.”
We’ve a little bit of slow wallowing here,” he said later, “shut down” he called out as the engine stopped.
“Great,” mission control said and reported Eagle in a near-perfect orbit ranging from about 11 to 54 miles high.
Sanjiva Reddy new President (1977)
New Delhi-Mr Neelam Sanjiva Reddy has been elected President of India. He will be sworn in by the Chief Justice Mr M.H. Beg in the Central of Parliament on Monday (July 25) morning.
Mr Reddy’s unopposed election was formally announced by Mr Avtar Singh Rikhy, Secretary of the Lok Sabha, who was the returning officer for the Presidential election.
The announcement was made five minutes after the 3.00 p.m. deadline for the withdrawal of candidates. Mr Rikhy signed and read out the declaration of election:
“In pursuance of provisions contained in Clause A of Section 8 of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Election Act, 1952, 1, Avtar Singh Rikhy, returning officer, hereby declare that Mr Neelam Sanjiva Reddy, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, being the only candidate who has been validly nominated, and who has not withdrawn his candidature in the manner within the time specified for the purpose, has been duly elected to the office of the President of India.”
The declaration was being sent to the Chief Election Commissioner.
Mr Reddy will be the sixth Prestdent of India and the first to be declared elected unopposed. He fills the vacancy caused by the death of Mr Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed on Feb. 11 this year.