During the COVID-19 pandemic, the education sector faced a tremendous setback, especially K-12, where, for ages, education has been imparted in a physical classroom set-up with real-life interaction between the teachers and students. During the pandemic, when there was a shift to virtual classes, teachers suddenly had to navigate the world of tripods, mics, and Zoom meetings leaving behind classrooms, chalks, blackboards and dusters. They evolved and rose up to the occasion very fast to meet the demands of the challenging time, ensuring that there is no learning loss for students confined to their homes. In order to acknowledge the efforts of these unsung heroes of the education sector, and celebrate their resilience, HT PACE, in collaboration with HT School, is all set to conduct the Annual Teachers’ Meet 2022 on 23rd March. “In the last two years, teachers’ role has expanded dramatically and they have risen to the occasion. They have used every trick in the book to try and stay connected with the students, and more importantly, with the parents. They have continued to be the first point of contact for a student in the learning journey,” says Roopali Dhawan, Head, HT Education.” The event, which will take place in Delhi, will comprise of a meet and greet session with 450 to 500 teachers from schools across the Delhi-NCR region.
In this context, one of the participating teachers, Ms. Parul Narang from Ryan International School, Delhi, says, “I’m delighted to be a part of this upcoming Annual Teachers’ Meet and very excited to see what HT School has in store for our students.” Watch her speak here.
HT Annual Teachers’ Meet will begin at 10 AM at the Hyatt Regency, Delhi, with a welcome note, followed by a lamp lighting ceremony and Mrs. Dhawan’s speech. Following this will be an inspirational talk by Sister Shivani, a renowned motivational speaker who has been practising Rajyoga Meditation of the Brahma Kumaris for the last 24 hours. After this one-hour session, Puja Sharma, Head, Special Initiative, Hindustan Times, will unveil the vision and mission of this technology-inspired event-led platform.
The event will conclude with a fun activity called Interactive Rhythm Circle, followed by a hearty lunch and souvenir distribution. The Interactive Rhythm Circle will include performance by Nomadsouls, a unique start-up that is into curating creative experiences and providing alternate therapy sessions, jambe distribution among the attendees, a basic introduction to and instruction for playing these instruments, open drum jam with the participants and a calming session. These activities are aimed to promote unity, relaxation, creativity and insight.