Sharing his views with students, he says, career counselling is important to help students make informed decisions and schools should arrange for interactions of students with professionals from various fields - artists, lawyers, doctors. He says marks matter, but more than that knowledge, skills and human values are more important. He says marks help in getting admission to good colleges. He adds that one should read voraciously. CHANDIGARH: Nishant Sharma is a civil servant who topped the Class 10 ICSE boards in St Stephen’s School in 2008. He talks about life as it’s happening to him.
Do marks matter in life?
Marks matter, but more than that knowledge, skills and human values are more important. They help in getting admission to good colleges but in my experience I’ve seen people following their passions and achieving their dreams even without very high marks.
Did marks play a role in shaping your career?
Yes, the marks I got in various exams helped boost my confidence. But the Class 10 marks directly didn’t play a role later in defining my career.
Did you top your classes later?
I have been more or less consistent even though I couldn’t make it to any top college for engineering. Later I switched from engineering to preparing for civil services. Overall it didn’t matter much as now I’m working in the government. After Class 10, I consistently had aboveaverage marks but did not top either in Class 12 or in college. Clearing the civil services has been the best thing for me.
Did your score help you achieve your goal?
My Class 10 score didn’t have a direct link with my goal but it was a good confidence booster. Also studying at that age helped me develop the habit of staying curious, updating my knowledge and reading.
Have your goals changed over the years?
I wasn’t clear about my goals in Class 10. It was only after engineering that I realised that I wanted to be a civil servant and started pursuing it.
Your message to students?
This goes for students, teachers, and parents: Just explore all options, especially beyond engineering and medical.
What changes in schools you think can help students?
Career counselling is important to help students make informed decisions. Schools should arrange for interactions of students with professionals from various fields artists, lawyers, doctors.
One big learning you’d like to share?
Read as much as possible and from as many diverse sources as possible.