Little Flower Convent School, Sector 14, Panchkula, organised a Christmas tree decoration competition to mark the upcoming festival. This year due to the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, the whole school couldn’t take part in the celebrations. Only the house captains and vice captains, along with the house teachers, under the guidance of their house in charges, decorated the trees. All the trees bore different Christmas messages.
Nativity scene
The stage was beautifully decorated. It depicted the nativity / manger scene, a special exhibition of art objects that represented the birth of Jesus.
Harmonious voices sing carols
The sisters, teachers and students sang Christmas carols like “Silent night, holy night” and participated in a short Christmas celebration which followed soon after.
Sister Archana, the school principal, wished for a healthy, peaceful and promising Christmas and New year for the whole school.
December 25 is celebrated as Christmas annually to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. According to the New Testament, Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Joseph and Mary. The month and date of his birth are not known, but by the early-to-mid-fourth century, the Western Christian Church had placed Christmas on December 25. This date was later adopted around the world.
Ryan Int’l School holds fancy dress competition
Ryan International School, Mohali, organised a fancy dress competition based on the theme of winter season for Montessori students to improve their presentation skills and boost their confidence..
It gave children an opportunity to freely express themselves.
By playing the characters that they love, they learnt to control their emotional responses.
Mathematics made fun for BCM Kindergarten kids
To commemorate the birth anniversary of mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, BCM Kindergarten, Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana, celebrated mathematics week from December 15 to 22.
Students participated in a plethora of activities based on mathematical concepts such as shape recognition, addition, and subtraction. The aim was to enhance their interest in the subject.
Sacred Heart kids stage nativity play online
Students of Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School, Sector 26, Chandigarh, presented a nativity play ‘Season of Hope’ virtually.
They celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ through musicals and dance recitals.
Addressing the students, principal Arti impressed upon the pertinence of upholding the virtues of humility, love and compassion in these trying times.The principal along with a group of teachers distributed tokens of love and joy among the residents of Leper Colony.
A prayer meeting was also held for the staff members.
BVM celebrates National Mathematics Day
Bhartiya Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana, celebrated National Mathematics Day. Students took part in various activities such as math symbol costume contest, slogan and quote writing, flashcard making, rangoli making, and PPT making. Bhumi of Class 12 delivered a speech on Ramanujan’s life and his contributions.