The environment of the world is changing rapidly, with too many factors spiraling out of human control. Environmental consciousness is rising among 10 to 18 year olds everywhere, as they are being forced to witness rapid changes in climate, pollution level, frequency of natural disasters and a shrinking of all the resources we use. Scientists, educationists and even kids themselves are raising a demand to make environmental studies a part of school curriculum. We have given some of the reasons for this demand below.
Awareness is possible with education
Education is the basis of awareness. While environmental consciousness campaigns and talks on sustainability help, formal education is still the best way to reach kids on a larger scale. Children may be scared on noticing a strange phenomenon, such as unexpected flooding or extended summer, but they would not know the cause for it or how to combat it, unless they are educated.
Children are important brand ambassadors
The whole world notices when a child leads a cause, since there can be no doubt about their sincerity. Greta Thunberg, the Swedish activist, drew attention towards climate change, pollution and the consequent problems by being vocal about it when she was only 11. Greta has turned 18. She has forced adults to question their methods and attitude towards handling environmental problems. As more children become educated, they would take up environmental causes and push towards viable solutions.
Education leads to participation
Philippines have introduced a new law under which all students should plant 10 trees, starting elementary, till graduation. Those who shirk this duty would not be allowed to graduate. This is a strong and effective way to educate all kids about the importance of a green cover and counter deforestation. Educated kids participate actively in bringing about change instead of just talking.
Environmental education leads to energy conservation and better health
Environmental education creates awareness about the key issue of adopting renewable sources of energy, and stopping dependence on fossil fuel. It also helps to build better physical and mental health by directly controlling factors that affect health adversely. When kids start on this early, they have a better life ahead.