Chatrabhuj Narseee Memorial School and ND Parekh Pre-Primary School in Vile Parle organised an inter-school group recitation competition for Class 5 and Class 6 students, in which 350 students from 35 Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) schools and 50 students from the host school participated.
The event was organised under the guidance of school principal Kavita Sanghvi along with the teachers and students of Chatrabhuj Narseee Memorial School and ND Parekh Pre-Primary School.
The idea behind the theme – No War; Know Peace – was chosen to propagate the UN Sustainable Development Goal 16 – Justice, Peace and Strong Institutions. The core objectives of this venture were to spread awareness and foster sensitivity towards the UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.
The school wanted to tap the students of Class 5 and 6 to make them realise the far-reaching impact of the ill-effects of war and the importance of sustainable development so that they turn out to be responsible adults in the future. The school wanted to give the students and out-of-the-class teaching experience.
The students recited 35 poems on the theme as also patriotic songs, all emphasising on the importance of achieving world peace.
The judges for the event were model and VJ Alesia Raut, who has featured in many television (TV) shows; TV actor Siddhant Surryavanshi who has worked in several prominent Hindi soaps and hosted several many beauty pageants and motivational speaker Girish Gogia, who is known as the Positive Man, for his encouraging messages.
The event concluded with the announcement of the winners. The first position was bagged by Anchorwala Education Academy, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. All the winners were presented with the certificates of honour, while all the students who took part in the competition received the certificates of participation, so that every student felt motivated.