Students often resort to the ease and speed of the traditional pen and paper note-taking system despite the rise of tablets, phablets (phone tabs), and laptops. But what if there was a way to get the convenience of digital notes with the speed and physical feel of a notepad? Enter the smart notebook. It’s a gadget that has made class note-taking much easier for students, with the hard copies getting saved as soft copies.
How to choose a smart notebook?
A smart notebook is exactly what the name suggests, a notebook where the writing can be saved in the digital medium because of the pen used. So how do we choose one?
How do smart notebooks connect to digital devices?
Many smart notebooks have paired apps for smart phones, others connect to a number of apps on phones and laptops. Some require web connectivity; others use USB points too. The best thing is, all the data can then go on the internet as back-up to the physical file.
Are smart notebook pages reusable?
Reusable notebook pages wipe clean once the writing is done. Page cleaning has various options, including one that clears away by heat when popped into a microwave for a few seconds! There is also custom ‘paper’ available, while some have pages with grids to be filled in with a smart pen. All of them come with smart pens. The better pens have battery indicating lights and most are chargeable via USB. A smart notebook makes class note-taking more interactive and intuitive.