Springdales School, Pusa Road, held its annual exhibition showcasing the holiday home work and class projects of the students.
The theme “The Future is here: Are we ready?” was reflected through the creative presentations of children at different levels. The exhibition emphasised the ideas of preparedness and adaptability of the school system, educator and the learner. Week-long celebrations were held in which each day was dedicated to a particular subject. To nurture imagination and creative expression, students participated in several activities on English day such as word web and tag line creation, poster making, fiction writing story telling workshop. To inculcate critical and analytical thinking senior students were involved in poetry and anecdote writing.
On the Social Science day children made useful items from waste material, visited Nehru Planetarium and attended a session on an eminent mountaineer. To develop scientific awareness, students took part in hands-on activities based on designing a rocket, Artificial Intelligence and computer gaming. They also visited Waste to Wonder Park to inculcate responsibility towards the environment. On the Maths day students took part in workshops and activities on Polyhedrons, Clinometer and games related to Mathematical concepts. Parents and guests got an opportunity to interact with children and the school staff. Special cards designed for this initiative helped parents to understand the strengths and challenges of their ward. Teachers and students from different government and public schools attended the exhibition. It was a great learning experience.