Radcliffe School, Kharghar campus, conducted the investiture ceremony for student leaders recently. The ceremony saw unanimously elected members of the student council vested with leadership positions.
Those present at the event included regional head Swati Mukherjee, guest of honour Pradeep Tidar, senior police inspector, Kharghar, the principal Akhila Dinesh, vice-principal Rahuldeo Bhagat, headmistress Susmita Ganguly, coordinators, teachers, members of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) members and parents.
The student leaders not only looked confident but also seemed to be eager to discharge their duties well. “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other,” said one of the school officials. “We are well- acquainted with the fact that leadership is the capacity to transform vision into reality.”
In the ceremony, the budding leaders were adorned with badges and sashes.
School captain Harshit Soni was the first to be honoured with his badge and sash. He was followed by other student leaders — head boy Vishrut Mathur, head girl Adwitiya Banerjee, sports captains Preetraj Singh and Shreya Sathish, discipline captains Akshat Badhwar and Zoya Shaikh, cultural secretaries Ayush Surwade and Ananya Singh and PTA joint secretary Smriddhi Uppal.
The senior and junior house captains and vice-captains were also honoured with a badge and sash. The student council then carried out a march-past.
Regional head Mukherjee, guest of honour Tidar, the school captain Soni, head boy Mathur and head girl Banerjee all gave speeches to the gathering.