Students of Bal Bharati Public School learnt methods of waste disposal during a ‘reuse to replenish’ activity on Wednesday. The aim was to foster a sense of belongingness and responsibility towards the environment among the students.
They learnt about problems faced during waste disposal and probable solutions to create a better and cleaner environment.
Students of classes 9 and 10 gave a PowerPoint presentation based on ways of discarding garbage in India, China and Germany, problems faced by these countries and the solutions incorporated to improve the situation.
The students did research on the methodology used in the three countries and provided ideas to replenish the environment and improve the situation.
Students of Class 8 gained practical knowledge about composting by manually digging a pit and filling it with biodegradable wastes like vegetable and fruit peels, dead and decaying leaves and twigs. To enhance the rate of decomposition, some red worms were also introduced in the composting pit.
Students were instructed to prepare observation sheets and visit the pit after regular intervals to check the formation of compost and record the data.
The activity was followed by a visit to Biogas power plant PEDA, Hambran Road.