Khemo Devi Public School, Narela, organised a holiday homework exhibition on its premises.
School chairman Vijay Khatri and principal Rekha Gupta launched the exhibition. Students took part in it enthusiastically. Holidays provide time to students and parents for many activities. During this period teachers gave activity-based work to children. It was intended to enhance their visual, spatial, linguistic, verbal, logical, mathematical and interpersonal intelligence. It was based on Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence. Hence, to enhance this intelligence, KDPS held a holiday homework exhibition.
About 50 students showcased their work. Students presented art work, flow charts, storytelling on novel Oliver Twist, PowerPoint presentation and science and Maths models. Tannu and Rashi narrated jokes which evoked laughter.
All the work was done under the guidance of principal Rekha Gupta. In the closing ceremony the principal praised students for their efforts. She said, “This exhibition will encourage students as well as parents and make them understand the importance of holiday homework.”
Students got feedback from their teachers.