Quantum computing is not a new concept. But in 2021, IBM announced its industrially oriented lab aimed at releasing quantum tech powered products and services. The result was an unprecedented boom in teaching quantum computing as the students wanted to add this new feather to their cap immediately. But why did such a huge trend spark off? Is quantum computing worth studying and will it actually have a big impact?
What is a quantum computer?
A quantum computer is a machine that utilises some properties of quantum physics to solve problems that are too complex for regular computers. The word ‘quantum’ is used to describe the laws of physics that apply at the level of atoms, electrons and elementary particles. At that miniscule level, the laws of physics are different from what we normally know. Quantum computing uses these extra powerful sub atomic properties to aims to perform tasks and computations impossible for even a high end digital computer.
Why are students eager to catch on about quantum computing?
Students know they will have to deal with quantum computing at the work place in future. So naturally, all college level students of Physics, Math, IT and related fields want to learn about it to be prepared for the future and be job-ready. At school level, online courses dealing with STEM are including the basics of what is quantum computing to familiarise kids, so that they don’t have trouble catching up in college. It’s like learning about computers in school to deal with them easily later on.
Which sectors would be impacted by quantum computing?
All sectors, directly or indirectly, are to be impacted by quantum computers being released for industrial usage. Quantum computing would affect everything from how batteries operate to how proteins operate. Big data and database management would change forever. Cyber security would be tighter with new cryptography. Weather forecasting would become more accurate. These are only a few of the wide impact that quantum computers would have. Given the versatile nature of the application of this technology, it’s not surprising that quantum computing has become a learning trend very fast.