Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the hygiene habits of kids have been the biggest concerns for parents, and rightly so. Children are used to touching every nook and corner and then put the hands inside their mouths, allowing germs to sneak in. In times like this, things can’t get scarier than this. Not only coronavirus, there are millions of other bacteria and viruses lurking around us. These make children with bad hygiene more susceptible to illnesses. This is why it has become all the more imperative to educate children about the importance of hygiene and teach them how to maintain it. This is where STEM comes into play as it encourages young minds to engage in “learning by doing.” So, we have combined hygiene with STEM and compiled a list of fun activities to help kids understand the science behind cleanliness and hygiene.
Germ hunting
Most of the germs around us are microscopic and we can’t see them with our naked eyes. In order to help your kids, understand that even apparently clean hands can contain several germs, try this fun activity.
What You’ll Need:
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Making hand wash posters
Once kids learn what germs and viruses really are, it’s time to teach them about the proper way to wash hands. The goal is to follow the golden rule of 20 seconds and not rush the process. Once they are clear about this, ask them to make a hand wash poster. This will not help them and others remember the process. Hang it on the wall right above the wash basin.
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Pretend cough & sneeze
Kids often fail to understand or forget the simple rule that they should cover the mouth while coughing or sneezing. To make them aware of its importance, try out the pretend cough & sneeze activity with them.
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