Undoubtedly, exams are a stressful time for most students. Studying isn’t something that comes naturally to all teens, but there is no avoiding it. However, with an organised and well-thought-out study routine, preparing for exams can be handled in a much more effective way. Here is a 3-step study routine which will help your teen develop the skills of consistency, discipline and accountability, which, in turn, will make exam prep much easier.
Step 1: Guide your teen to formulate a study plan
Having an effective study plan goes beyond simply memorising theories and formulae. It actually begins with a planned and organised preparation which is not entirely to do with studies. Formulating a good study plan requires your teen to use his organisation and time-management skills. One of the most effective ways of creating a blueprint for one’s exam study routine is to make use of a calendar and a day schedule. Encourage your teen to list out a detailed study routine for a weekly as well as a daily basis. This should clearly allocate the date and time for every subject, which can be crossed out once completed. Moreover, keeping track of his studies this way is easier since a calendar serves as a visual reminder. Don’t forget to include some free time and recreational activities as well.
Step 2: Create a positive reinforcement loop for your teen
Psychologists have proven that human beings tend to work more efficiently when awarded after completing a task. An example to illustrate this would be when employees are awarded bonuses for doing their work properly. After receiving the extra money, they develop motivation to work harder and yield better results at their job with an aim to secure a higher bonus in the future. This increases the quality of the work done as well. Similarly, it is necessary to create a positive reinforcement loop for your teen as well. For this, you can encourage your teen to make use of the Pomodoro technique. According to this, set time frames of 25-30 minutes within which she has to study with utmost concentration. At the end of it, reward her with a short break. This will result in more effective studying and reduce the chances of a burnout.
Step 3: Help your teen avoid distraction
The internet and technology have assumed a permanent role in our lives. As beneficial as it can be, it also is a massive distraction for us if not used correctly. In order to avoid distractions while studying, ensure that your teen does not have access to social media or messages during study hours. Understandably, technology is a massive part of learning today, and cannot be cancelled out from learning. In order to tackle this, encourage your teen to turn on the “do not disturb” setting on his devices.