With the advancement in the field of technology, coding has emerged as a popular new-age skill as well as a prospective career option for youngsters. However, before stepping into a career path, it will be a good idea to participate in a few hackathons. It will help to nurture their coding skills and make them industry ready, adding value to their resume. Here are some tips to win hackathons.
Get to the bottom of the coding challenge
All coding hackathons come with a wide array of problems. However, the trick in hackathons is that, competitors get to solve each other’s’ problems. This often makes things difficult for aspiring coders. To deal with this, the key is to get to the bottom of the coding problem, go through it in detail and focus on its attributes. The goal is to acquire as much information as possible before starting to write the code and develop insights as to how to proceed with the code development.
Organise your codes
As part of hackathons, one often needs to take part in projects which require coding from scratch and using codes from different sources. If a coder doesn’t get access to the right code at the right time, the entire process can go haywire. For this reason, codes need to organised – be it copy pasting from an earlier project or accessing them from a stack. The goal is to sort through codes and keep them in a specific order so that they can be found instantly without wasting crucial minutes during hackathons.
Rely on generic codebase
Just because a coder is participating in a hackathon doesn’t necessarily mean that he or she always needs to build every code from scratch. Instead, one can rely on a generic codebase for reference and repetitive goals, such as generating time modules, or creating a base module (depending on which other modules can be designed and developed). These codebases are also referred to as libraries and most hackathons now allow deriving resources from them. The goal is to make a final product and not waste time on the in-between process.