Coding is a relatively complicated field, which is why certain errors are pretty common. However, with proper guidance and a little bit of caution, these mistakes can be avoided. Here are smart strategies to help young coders avoid these common coding blunders.
Spending too much time on research
This is the most common mistake that a coder makes. They spend too much time on research, without actually engaging in the coding methods. From the coding language or technologies to use to frameworks that suit better, coders often end up over-analyzing. This becomes a fruitless effort that takes up a lot of time.
Syntax errors
In the arena of programming language, syntax refers to the rules that govern various aspects of a code: Symbols, punctuation, and words. If the syntax is incorrect, the code cannot be compiled. So, while using a programming language, make sure your young coder is extremely careful about each of these aspects. Missing out a colon at the end can also backfire. Motivate him to practise simple 1-3-line programmes regularly and keep cross checking. Also, using visual-based codes like Scratch instead of text-based ones at the initial stage will help minimise the chance of syntax errors.
Duplicate code
Duplicate code refers to a sequence of source code that runs multiple times within one or across various programmes. In the world of computation, a code is often repeated in order transmit a message through a noisy channel that affects transmission in a major way. Sometimes, codes are also duplicated to achieve the desired outcome. However, this practice leads to bugs. Motivate your young coder to use clean coding principles like creating small classes and functions and hiding unnecessary details in a coding language.
Language overload
Yes, learning the basics of most coding languages are important. However, depending on the purpose or level of coding, coders need to decide which languages are suitable for them and work with a few of them. This is by overloading the brain with all kinds of coding languages is a silly step. Instead, one must focus on selected languages as per their aptitude and convenience.
No backup
There’s one rule that coders can’t afford to forget. They need to constantly save data and take backups on the codes they are working with. If there’s no backup, the continuity is lost, so are the time and efforts. As a result, coders must invest the necessary amount of time managing their files. Moreover, there’s always a chance of system failure or crashing of the device. In that case, only backup can save their hard work.