Does your kid’s interaction with the internet worry you? Then the first measure of parental control you should take is dialogue. Most kids respond well to an open, honest and technically updated conversation on internet usage rules, the link between these rules and personal safety, and limiting usage within a healthy number of hours. All of this can be supplemented by the use of a parental control tool. So if a conversation is not working well, make sure your parental control tool has these features.
Limiting access by user profile
Once you have installed the tool of your choice, check whether it can customise internet usage according to user profile. So when your kid uses his or her profile to log into the device, the permissions would be different from when you log in. This enables you to control number of downloads, bar shopping, stop installation of new apps and games etc. per user profile.
Limiting access by content category
Parents can restrict access to websites by adding or removing items from a list of content categories in a good control app. For example, you can apply filters modifying access to online gaming sites, but allow free access to the permitted Wiki or search engines.
Stopping access via browser
The parental control plugin will simply bar access to certain sites from the browser in this case. This is especially effective for teens who don’t know that predators lurk under inappropriate but alluring content. This feature usually also includes pop-up blocking abilities.
Tracking via activity log
This is a more diplomatic feature. The activity log tells a parent more about the child’s mind while surfing. By monitoring the sites that have been viewed, downloads attempted and time spent, parents can educate and advice kids more specifically, which is also make it more practical.
Setting limits to app usage time
With this feature, you can decide which apps can be used and when, setting a sensible time limit. You can ensure that your kids don’t use social media or gaming sites for hours. It’s a very useful feature to prevent or break addictive internet usage.