Is your 14-year-old hunching up like a 40-year-old office worker? And are you blaming it helplessly on that necessary evil called the laptop? Rethink. We are not supposed to be slaves of the laptop; it is a tool for us. Here are some common-sense tips for better laptop ergonomics.
Why is the laptop on your lap?
Yes, it’s called a laptop, but you may not want to use it from your lap. It’s worse if your kid is aping you. You are both slouching down, rounding your shoulders, jutting your head forward, and peering into the screen. If you don’t want to sit at a desk all day, put the laptop on the kitchen table, stand in front of it, prop it up on the bed. A laptop on the lap for hours will also damage kids’ legs.
Bring the screen to eye level
Just put a few large books, a pillow or anything to raise the height of your laptop to eye level – and you will suddenly discover how you had been bending over. This is particularly important for kids since their spine is more open to deformities.
Invest in a separate keyboard / mouse / monitor
Extended hours are unavoidable while studying or working on a laptop. So, invest in an external keyboard and mouse, sit away from the laptop, and use it as a monitor at eye level. Otherwise, put up a display unit on the wall, use it as a monitor, and use your laptop as the input device. It will put your elbows at 90 degree angles, keep your legs relaxed and reduce stress on the eyes, neck and shoulders.
Rest those feet while you work
This is one of the worst kid habits. They dangle their legs while remaining hunched at the desk. Put a cute little foot stool below their feet. It will dramatically reduce stress on hips and knees. We suggest you try it too.
Stand up, stretch and walk away
Set a reminder on for your kid to keep taking breaks. Of course, you can both stretch on the chair, but that won’t relieve your back, bottom and eyes. So get up, walk away, and come back in 5 minutes.