Vitamins are organic micronutrients that are required in small quantities for maintaining growth, health, metabolism and immunity of children. Vitamin deficiency negatively impacts their overall development in more ways than one. So, parents need to know which vitamin are essential for their growing kids as well as age-appropriate ideal quantities and food sources for each of these nutrients. Here is a low-down on the essential vitamins.
Vitamin A
This micronutrient helps in maintaining a good eyesight. In addition, it helps the body fight infections by boosting the immune system.
Age-wise recommended daily intake
Food Sources
Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins
The B vitamins are essential for children to maintain metabolism, energy, healthy heart and an active nervous system. One of the most important B vitamins is vitamin B12.
Age-wise recommended daily intake
Foods Sources
Vitamin C
It is essential to maintain body tissues such as gums, bones and blood vessels in good condition. It also helps in healing cuts or wounds.
Age-wise recommended daily intake
Foods Sources
Vitamin D
This micronutrient closely works alongside calcium to create a strong bone structure. It may also help in developing immunity against chronic illnesses in the future.
Age-wise recommended daily intake
Foods Sources
Vitamin E
This vitamin strengthens the body’s immune system. It also helps the blood vessels clear and the blood-flow normal.
Age-wise recommended intake
Food Sources