When it comes to understanding certain concepts in science, practical experimentation is a much more effective method of explanation as compared to a theoretical explanation. Especially for kids, simple DIY experiments are not only fun, they offer a first-hand experience of certain scientific phenomena that occur. Refraction of light is one such concept which can get tricky to understand through diagrams. It is the bending of light which occurs when light travels from one medium to another. For example, it can take place when light is travelling from air to water, or even vice versa.
Here is a fun experiment, which actually seems more like a magic trick, breaks refraction down into simple steps, and is sure to be a hit among kids. What’s even better is that it can be performed at home using easily available materials. Read on to find out how you and your kid can conduct this refraction experiment.
What you will need
Step-by-step guide
Gather all the ingredients and get your little learner on the experiment table. Help him follow these steps.
What exactly happened in this experiment?
This experiment essentially portrays how refraction of light occurs. In this experiment, the light travelled from the paper through the medium of air. After this, it went through the glass into the second medium, which was water. It then went out through the other side of the glass and finally, again through the medium of air before reaching the eyes of the viewer.
This illustrates the varying speed of light through different mediums. We can conclude that it passes fastest through air, comparatively slower through water and the slowest through the glass. This shows us how the light tends to bend as it travels through the glass before going through the water, only to bend yet again as it travels out of the glass (from the other side) before passing through the air.