While staying at home was a necessity to counter the pandemic, this created a host of bad habits for adults and kids alike. It’s chiefly because the rhythm and schedule of daily life as we know was suddenly replaced by another one. To get back to the new normal, it’s crucial to identify these bad habits among kids and break them before they became life-long worry points.
The bad habit topper: Overeating
A report by the Public Health Department of England released in June 2020 showed that children of both sexes in age 6 years have gained disproportionate weight within that year. There are tons of similar reports, all pointing out what we all know. A kid with no school and no playground access will keep munching while studying online, playing mobile games, and watching TV, even when doing nothing in particular. Stop the snack supply. Meals happen at meal times. Junk snacks are treats, and should stay that way.
Uncomfortable overdose of comfort foods
In times of high stress, people turn to comfort food; it’s not very different from biting nails, chewing gum or rocking knees constantly. These foods make us feel good by releasing neurotransmitters in the brain which interact with our mood and increase our sense of well-being. Replace unhealthy comfort food with healthy ones. Baked veggies instead of fried ones, fruit or vegetable smoothies in yoghurt instead of ice-cream, chilled home-made fruit juice instead of aerated drinks, are just some examples of how you can do it.
No play plan and over-burdened study plan
Children studying and playing and chatting online can no longer differentiate between work and play. Set them a schedule for study, following class hours, with evening homework hours. Make them call friends, not just chat by tying. Involve them in off-screen activities. If nothing else works, get them a pet, or encourage them to learn cooking or gardening.
Lack of exercise
If workouts and yoga are already boring, motivate your child to switch to other exercises. Walking, climbing stairs, and yes, cleaning the house are some examples. To get the best results, be the example you want your kids to follow.