With schools remaining shut for around two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students have lost personal touch with learning. This has resulted in stunted cognitive and emotional growth and hampered their holistic development. This is what has made one-on-one personalized teaching method all more crucial in the current scenario.
Contrary to popular belief, personalised tutoring is no longer reserved for struggling kids. It has several educational benefits for all kinds of students. It offers supplement to school learning while helping to learn things outside the school curriculum.
One-on-one tutoring focusses primarily on personalized student-teacher interaction where the tutor caters to the student’s learning needs and pace above all. Here are few of the major benefits of personalized one-on-one learning.
Offers deeper and wider learning
Students often struggle to clear their queries at school, as teachers may not always be accessible outside the classroom. This is often resolved by one-on-one learning from a tutor who can explain complex topics in detail and help clear all the doubts of the key concepts. Tutors can either go back to the basics and start a topic afresh or move on to a deeper and advanced level, as per the student’s need.
Helps in interdisciplinary learning
During one-on-one learning, a student can start take a multidisciplinary approach to learning. For example, while clearing his or her Maths doubts and then move on to a related subject like Economics, Physics or Computer Applications as all of these subjects are related. Knowledge of mathematics is required in all these subjects. This helps students widen their learning prospects as they can move from one discipline to another, based on their needs. They can also explore new and different concepts while focusing on multi-disciplines. One-on-one learning can also be customized as per student’s interests surrounding sports, music, arts, drama and so on.
Improves overall performance
Personalized one-on-one instruction gives students a much-needed learning outlet. Regular close interactive sessions with teachers help boost their confidence and improve their overall performance. They are more engaged in the process of learning as they are often motivated to try out new things and assess things from fresher perspectives. They also become accountable and carry out their own responsibilities like doing their homework or finishing pending assignments or revising things taught in class. They also willingly participate in school events and are often better prepared for exams.