Teachers use a lot of methods in the classroom to teach more effectively. Parents often struggle to get the same result at home. Today, we are going to share one of these teaching methodologies with you.
What is KWL?
The three letters in the acronym KWL stand for ‘what I know’ (K), ‘what I want to know’ (W), and ‘what I learned’ (L). So K signifies Knowledge, W denotes all the questions, and L means Learning. Teachers use a KWL chart to apply this method. The chart is an organiser that allows students to take control of the pace and amount of learning. Many teachers use it with a science kit or an experiment.
Step by step guide to using the KWL chart for teaching science
When you use a KWL chart at home these are the steps you need to follow.
Once the kid has completed column L, keep all the KWL sheets for a subject in a file. This will work as quick notes before an exam and prove very valuable to them while preparing.