Many children love playing with makeup, much like they love playing with water colours or art clay. But there are the ones who are serious about makeup and may want to take it up professionally. But how can you tell? Here’s a checklist of features of a budding makeup artist.
Loves makeup
Loving makeup is not just about using their mother’s lipstick for young kids or being choosy about eye shadow for teenagers. Does your kid enjoy putting on makeup for you and his or her friends? Do they proactively talk about ‘looks’?
Interested in starting trends
Is your child always experimenting with makeup and coming up with unique looks? Are they spending time trying to spot trends on Instagram, TV, social media and the internet? Are they using colours creatively to achieve an effect, not just look cute?
Has great communication skills
Makeup artists interact with people every day. Clients want someone who is outgoing but can make them feel comfortable, and cares about how they look. If your kid is the confidant or the fashion guide of the class before an event, you know that can be a career path.
Social media savvy and ambitious
Freelance makeup artists need to tell the world about their work and keep followers updated about the latest creation. Your child will typically want to run a website, blog, social media pages, or even start a YouTube channel on makeup. These are beginnings of their marketing endeavour, so encourage these moves.
Works dedicatedly for hours
Makeup artists can work at odd hours, like very early mornings, late nights, and often weekends. Self-discipline, hard work and perseverance are signs of a makeup artist who will make it. Is your child spending more time on makeup than other activities, and willingly so?
Loves upgrading skills
If your kid is obsessed with watching makeup tutorials online and have a passion for continuous education, she might be great as a makeup artist! Makeup is a constantly evolving world, and only those who are interested in skill upgrade can thrive. Encourage them by enrolling them in a makeup course.