Stalking (both online and offline), is a common cause of worry among parents as it poses a serious threat to youngsters’ safety. Starting from stress and anxiety to panic attacks, it can have immeasurable impact on their mental health. So, as a parent, it is crucial for you to educate your teenager about stalking, and arm her with the weapons of self-protection.
What is stalking?
Stalking is a pattern of behaviour which includes repeated attempts to contact someone despite their disapproval, following a person, sending them things, threatening them or even causing damage to them at times. The trigger behind stalking could be anything from fantasy to psychological disorder.
Staying safe
If your teenager is stalked, either online or offline, you need to teach her the ways to protect herself. Here is what she needs to know.
Remind your teen to keep you updated: If your teen is going out alone or with friends, ensure that he communicates the whereabouts with you. Tell her that in case someone is following her or making her feel unsafe, she should immediately text or call you. This will make sure that you can take an action immediately, if required.
Ensure that she goes out with a group: Being alone, especially during the night, can make your teen vulnerable to stalkers. Hence, suggest that she goes out with a group of people to reduce the risk of being stalked. As they say, there is strength in numbers. It is also a good idea to have her friends’ contact numbers with you in case of an emergency.
Ask her to be cautious online: Teenagers have the habit of oversharing their lives on social media. Everyone has access to everyone else’s lives on the internet. Many platforms have the option of sharing one’s location, which can be extremely dangerous. Remind your youngster to be mindful of the information she is sharing online, and avoid tagging locations on social media.
File a police complaint: Do not be hesitant to file a police complaint if your teen has alerted you about being stalked. At the beginning, it may seem a little extreme. However, if it continues for a sustained period of time, this should be your first step. Situations related to stalking can escalate quicker than you can imagine. So, having the police already informed about it can prove to be beneficial later.