In middle school, students realise that mathematics is a lot more than simple addition and subtraction and is categorised into several sub-branches such as algebra, arithmetic, and geometry among others. While for some students, geometry is fun and interesting, there are others who find it challenging. To help students overcome their fear of geometry, and perform well, we are here with a list of study tips and tricks that you can help your child to follow.
Focus on formulas and theorems
Geometry is all about formulas, theorems and applying them to make the required diagrams. So, in order to ace the topic, motivate your kids to first read, understand and learn the formulas properly in theory and then apply them practically by simply finding the area, distance, volume or diameter of shapes such as cubes, squares and rectangles. Motivate your youngsters to write down the formulas and theorems with examples in a notebook for future reference.
Motivate students to practise a concept more than once
The key to acing geometry is to keep practising the problems time and again. This will help students attain the required precision. Ask your kids to try the same problems as homework which they attempted during their school maths class. Make sure that your child does not hesitate to ask for that extra help from teachers if she is stuck with a particular problem. Explain to them that their goal is to try and solve the questions and get them correct, especially the ones that they previously got wrong.
Ask them to refer to more than one study resource
Referring to multiple textbooks, alongside several other online tools such as instructional videos and informational quizzes can be of great help for students while it comes to clarifying concepts. Multiple references will also help sharpen their logical thinking skill, an essential for geometry. Motivate your child to practise the exercise sections of the reference books.
Use the right tools
To draw geometric shapes, students must use the right set of tools such as pencils, erasers, rulers, compasses, dividers, protractors and other instruments. Get them a proper geometry box that contains all these items, so that they can find everything they need in one place.