Chess is known as the king of board games. Many schools across the world have included them in their curricula and now, India is also following suit. Recently, the All India Chess Federation, in association with All Odisha Chess Association has chosen Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences as the first school for the introduction of chess in its academic syllabus. But why is it necessary for students to master this board game. Well, several global scientific studies suggest that it helps in the development of crucial cognitive faculties including problem-solving, memory, concentration and planning. Here are some seven ways chess benefits kids.
Improves IQ
Well, this is a well-known fact. Moving those pieces on the chess bord isn’t an ordinary at of play. The brain has to function at its best while playing chess. A Venezuelan study showed that the IQ levels of students (boys and girls) Chess increased significantly after playing chess for four months.
Enhances reading and math skills
Numerous studies across the globe have revealed that chess improves reading and mathematical skills of students. But how? Experts are of the opinion that this board game flexes the brain muscles to make calculated moves, think deeply, comprehend analyse and decode problems. All these are necessary for reading mathematics.
Boosts concentration and memory
A game of chess requires highest levels of concentration and patience. While playing, your child needs to sharpen his focus towards each and every move of the opponent, and visualise each and every detail of the chess board. All these enhance concentration. As the focus improves, so does the memory. Apart from observing, your child also has to remember all the moves of the opponent as well as different strategies. That is how chess improves cognitive faculties like memory and concentration.
Revs up spatial skills
This board game requires a lot of visualisation. During a game of chess your child will need to create a mental picture of the various pieces on the board after a move, the changing positions, so on and so forth. This improves visuo-spatial skills.
Strengthens problem-solving skills
Chess requires kids to find quick solution to a problem and make the right move at the right time. These are essential life skills necessary not only in the academic sphere but also in professional and personal life. So, consider initiating your kid into this board game early on. The faster she develops problem-solving skills, the better will she be prepared to face difficult life situations.
Helps kids plan better
A good chess player needs to constantly guess the opponent’s moves in advance and plan. That is why playing chess regularly will help your child develop a strong foresight and make him and a master strategist.
Encourages creative thinking
In order to make instant decisions for solving a critical problem, one needs to think out of the box. This is what chess teaches us: Creative thinking. Several studies among chess playing students have revealed that their score in creativity is quite high.