Quizzing has emerged as one of the most popular co-curricular activities among today’s youngsters. Common quizzing genres include science, sports, current affairs, vocabulary, language, literature, pop culture, history, geography and social sciences. and so on. A map quiz is mainly based on history, geography and social science. A map quiz essentially helps students gain special interest in these subjects. However, it is an unconventional type of quizzing and your youngsters often don’t know how to prepare for them. Here are some easy prep tips for your budding quizzers to ace it.
Make a pre-test
For a map test, merely observing facts and images that are presented aren’t enough. One should create a pre-test method by implementing their favouring learning styles. The key is to study a map for a short duration and then find ways to self-test a few times, by taking a blank set of maps and trying to fill them up gradually. Fill in the blank testing and making good old-fashioned flash cards are two other effective ways for pre-tests before a map quiz.
Use a colour-coded map
Another effective way to prepare for a map quiz is to use as many colours as possible to help the quizzer remember names of places. In fact, there are websites like DIY Maps help create colour-coded maps. For instance, in case of a political map of Europe, one can pick colours for each country with the same initial letter as that of the colours, such as: pink for Portugal or Saffron for Spain and so on. The goal is to find methods that suit the quizzer.
Take help of map apps
There are several free online tools that help in preparing for a map quiz where one can create his own maps of a state, country, a region or the entire world. Apps such as Scribble Maps provide blank maps that can be used as canvas and filled up using colours (virtual paintbrushes), texts (virtual pens and pencils) and patterns. Another popular app is Obis Studio that offers free world map quiz and allows the users to fill in an entire virtual world map. This enables the budding quizzers to enhance their global map knowledge. These apps also have virtual scoreboards that help track one’s progress.
Solve hands-on map puzzles
There are multiple hands-on map puzzles available both online and offline. They cover world maps, continent-wise maps, national maps, state maps and more. These wooden or plastic puzzle pieces help budding quizzers identify countries, states, major cities, capitals, rivers, mountains and what not. As we all already know, practical preparation is always more helpful than theoretical ones.