Did you know that the words ‘bug’ and ‘debugging’ in software development are often attributed to American computer scientist, Admiral Grace Hooper? It’s said that Grace wrote the first compiler programme that existed in history. During the 1940s, while working at the Harvard University on a computer for the US Navy, her colleagues discovered a moth lodged in a relay, causing the machine to crash. She stated that they were "debugging" the system while resolving this issue. Thankfully, the days of removing actual insects from computers are over now. Currently, debugging is an important part of working with programming languages. Let us find out more about it.
What is meant by bugs in a computer programme?
In simple words, a bug is a coding error in a computer programme. Such faults in programming produce an incorrect result or make the software behave in unintended ways. A word processing programme, for example, could crash while the user is drafting an essay or report. If they haven't hit "save" in a while, they may lose work.
Why do bugs occur in computer software at all?
Programming can be a very abstract activity, and it's all too easy to lose track of what the computer is actually doing or what information developers are working on in a given line of code. It's easy to give the computer the wrong instructions and miss the target computer programmers are looking for. Hence, bugs are a common occurrence.
How do software bugs impact different business functions?
A software bug can make it difficult for a company to generate leads, engage with customers, process transactions, and more. An e-commerce website, for example, may be unable to receive payments from clients at various points. Payments may be declined or products may not appear in the customer's cart. This lead to consumer dissatisfaction, and have them believe that the organisation is untrustworthy.
What is the concept of debugging all about?
Debugging is the process of locating and correcting bugs, and it frequently uses specific techniques or tools to do so. Some computer systems have been developed to prevent, detect, or automatically correct different computer bugs since the 1950s.
How can new developers debug their code?
Here is a list of smart and effective suggestions through which novice developers can debug their code.
Pay attention to error messages
If the code fails in virtually any development environment, developers will almost certainly be presented with an error message that to some extent describes why it failed. This may sound like a stupid piece of advice, but newbie programmers will be shocked how many of them don't read error messages attentively and simply respond to the fault with the first thought that comes to mind. Error messages exist for a reason, and one of them is to help us figure out where the problem is coming from.
Determine the source of the error
It will get more difficult to study every line of code in search of your bug as the code base gets bigger. Hence, it's a good idea to divide and conquer, beginning your search in the areas where the problem is most likely to occur.
Ask for help through online coding communities
Having access to the relevant forums/ communities, where newbie developers can ask questions and chat with individuals who have a lot of experience, is quite beneficial. For example, sites like freecodecamp, stackoverflow, and Sack or Dscord communities can prove helpful.