Kids, especially teens and tweens, love making mood boards. They do it merely as decoration though. Mood boards can also be a source of creativity, thinking, knowledge and inspiration. Here are a few ways your kids can put mood boards to greater use.
Help them choose a board space
Whether it’s a cork board, magnetic board, canvas frame, or even a blank wall, choosing a board helps kids decide on space. It’s a thought process that leads to a decision they make on how to turn something into ‘their own space’. This way of thinking makes kids keep their rooms clean, have neater desks and apply a clutter-free thought process to any work they take up.
Get kids to think of inspiration, not just decoration
What does your kid find interesting? It could be any school subject, something they found on the web, or music they listen to. Get them to gather information and images that inspire them on this subject. These could be magazine clippings, doodles, photographs, print outs, quotes, found objects, just anything related and inspiring.
Help them position the board
A mood board should be visible where it affects the mind positively. Help your kid to put it up near the study table, dining area, balcony or any part of the house where it won’t get wet in rain or over exposed to sun, but can turn that area into an extension of the kid’s mind. This will reflect their characteristics and also let you know what’s going on in their minds.
Turn updating the board into a good habit
Updating an inspiring mood board regularly is a great way to start kids on research. As they change and grow over time, their mood board would reflect new ideas and inspiration, and turn into a knowledge base. A kid who loves cartoons may start a mood board when they are 12 years old, but by the time they are 14, there might be a whole animation or graphics project up there in the form of board or boards! It can also help you find extra courses for your kid to ramp up on what they find so engrossing over a sizeable period of time.