Time and again, advances in medical science have surprised us, proving that there’s nothing impossible. Almost. This has been proved true again with a rather strange revelation. Turns out, adhesive bandages can now be more durable with the help of ultrasound waves and bubbles. Confused? Worry not. We will give you a low-down on the latest research in this field published in the journal Science.
Ultrasound waves and bubbles: What have they got to do with bandages?
Now, that’s a million-dollar question, isn’t it? And the answer most people would come up with (and rightly so!) is nothing! After all, who would even think that the stickiness of adhesive bandages can be controlled using ultrasound waves and bubbles! But it’s actually possible, it seems. The above-mentioned research reveals that with these, bandages will be much more durable and they can now be applied even on wet skin.
While conducting research on controlling the adhesiveness of bandages found out that a simple introduction of ultrasonic intensity while producing bandages can very precisely control their stickiness on skin tissues. Okay, so what exactly needs to be done? Turns out, ultrasound-induced microbubbles need to be used while making the adhesion, turning it stickier and long-lasting. As it happens, under the influence of ultrasound, microbubbles that are used to make adhesives get a viscous push, in turn giving the bandages a much stronger hold. The experiment was conducted with living tissues in rats and can now even be used for human skin tissues. In fact, not only can these bandages be used to cover up wounds but also for delivering drugs through the skin. Researchers are also hopeful that this cutting-edge biomedical technology will soon contribute to applications such as tissue repair, cancer therapy as well as precision or regenerative medicine.