Just like most people, I too like to indulge in cold beverages and shakes. How else can one enjoy the hot and humid days of the year? Now, let me introduce you to my personal favourite, the mango watermelon smoothie. You must have heard a lot about it. It’s tasty, fruity and I love to make it for myself and my family.
The recipe is fairly easy and the ingredients are readily available too! Also, it’s more fun to whip this up than a normal mango smoothie or a watermelon one. After all, it is a combination of the two most delicious fruits that we have. So, it’s no wonder that it tastes so good. Here’s a secret than I picked up from YouTube while trying to find out how others prepare it: Adding ice cream in place of yogurt is often a good option. It enhances the taste. You can enjoy this drink at least once every week. However, there’s no harm in having it more frequently though! If I am asked to describe mango watermelon smoothie, I would say, it’s the best shake on the planet with two parts ice cream and one part awesome!
Nikky Malhotra is a student of Bal Bharati Public School, Delhi.