What is the biggest professional challenge that you face in your role as a principal? Imparting proper academic knowledge as well as meeting parents’ expectations for extra-curricular activities is difficult. Academics are important but general knowledge should also have equal weight, as it is not taken into consideration due to the increasing demands of better infrastructure and more extra-curricular activities.
Demands are high, but they can be achieved with co-operation and proper insight.
Once a teacher, always a teacher. Do you agree? Teaching is a never-ending process. A teacher is a teacher not only in their professional life but also in their personal life too as a teacher also means discipline and a kingdom of knowledge.
Success has become an obsession with people of all ages nowadays. Your comments. If the obsession for success is positive, the path through which the goal is achieved will be ethical and self-satisfactory. If it’s negative, then the goal achieved will be unethical and produce a feeling of imbalance. Hard work is the only key to success.
What emphasis do you put on teacher training? Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. A positive approach towards technology and up-gradation play a vital role in teacher training.
What is your view in GenNext biggest strength? What are the key areas of improvement? The GenNext is confident; children have clear goals in their lives. They are quick in upgrading themselves and alert to new changes. I feel that the qualities that we need to incorporate are discipline, patience and perseverance.
How can the elderly contribute to the student’s growth? I think that the experience gained with age can help our students to reach the set goals with assured guidance.
What according to you is the role of media in education? Mass media is a potent force in the social environment of education. Through modern technologies, mass media proves that education is comprehensive and not just confined within the four walls of a classroom.